Travelio Promo Social Media
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How can Travelio Promo Social Media help you?
Lately, especially during last year, social networks became the most used means of online promotion with concrete results in real-life businesses.
The results of a study in this field were published on the professional social network Linkedin, showing the trend in online promotion:
Social networks advertising features several advantages, bringing relevant traffic with high conversion rates. Social networks advertising allows ads to be more customized.
Facebook became the most important social network in Romania, offering a new targeted
promotion opportunity. Promoting your business on Facebook allows you to precisely target
the prospects you are interested in.
How can you use Facebook to promote your business?
Promotion methods include:
- Creating applications for Facebook
- Creating and running fan pages
- PPC (Pay-Per-Click) advertising on Faceboook
What advantages do Facebook Ads campaigns bring?
Advantages of Facebook Ads, the most important promotion method, include:
- Complex targeting depending on demographical data: sex, age and language of users
will see the ad. - High involvement rate of users
- The large amount of time users spend on the site makes Facebook ads to have great visibility.
- You can choose to have an image along your text ad, so that the message will be
more efficiently. - Facebook ads are paid per click or per 1000 impressions
- Promotion campaigns can be much more creative.
Are there disadvantages when running Facebook Ads campaigns?
Facebook ads are not seen following a request, unlike Google ads, that usually show following a search.
Facebook ads do not focus on key words, which are very relevant tools when identifying purchase intention.
What kind of Facebook applications can I create for my travel agency?
Each Facebook application creates depending on the needs and results that the travel agency has in mind. For example, you can organize contest on Facebook in order to attract fans and create an e-mail address data base for future promotion campaigns through newsletters. Or you can implement a booking system on your Facebook page, where fans can ask for price quotations for hotels that you want to promote through this method or even make real bookings. You could also create a page for the newest offers and news, in order to better promote them.
How much does a Facebook Ads campaign cost?
You can choose the budget that you’ll be investing. For an efficient campaign, the minimum budget is 200 EUR. The unused budget is reported from one month to another, until it is completely used. Besides this budget that you invest in the campaign, you will be charged a fee for our management services depending on the time span of the Facebook Ads campaign.
What do I get for the money?
- Configuring a new Facebook Ads account
- Analyzing the web site and ads proposal
- Professional campaign creation (editing ads, optimization)
- Periodical Facebook Ads reports
- Campaign management for optimal results.
Depending on each agency’s needs and promotion expectations, we can create promotion campaigns on other social networks, as well as other applications, with high conversion rates on,,, and, soon, Google +, the new social platform of Google, with numerous SEO advantages.