
Leave your contact information and we’ll call you to talk about our products and services and to arrange an appointment during which we’ll explain how we can help you.

If you prefer to contact us yourself, we can be found on weekdays, from 9PM to 18PM, at the following coordinates:

+4 021. 224.44.48

+4 021. 224.44.48

Cell phone:

Nicolae Iorga, No.5, Sector 1, Bucharest

Denomination: FILIP NET SRL
Head office: 85 Hermann Oberth Street, Sector 1, Bucharest, Romania
Single registration code: RO 16183680
Registration number in the trade register: J40/3031/2004
IBAN: RO89 BTRL 0480 1202 5009 60XX Banca: Banca Transilvania, 1 Mai Branch

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